Creating Custom Toolbars


Alpha Anywhere lets you create your own toolbars. You can attach custom toolbars to forms, browses, and print preview windows. Unlike custom menus, however, you do not need a form, browse, or print preview window to use a custom toolbars. You can run a custom toolbar from the control panel, or from an Xbasic script, and the toolbar will remain open until you close it.

Like custom menus, the buttons on custom toolbars can execute built-in actions, such as the Next command on the Records menu, they can play Global Scripts, or they can execute embedded Xbasic commands.

How to Customize the Toolbar for a Form or Browse

To customize the toolbar for a form or browse.

  • Design the custom toolbar and save it. See How to Design a Custom Toolbar for details.

  • Edit the form or browse and select Form > Properties, or Browse > Properties. Select the Menus/Toolbars tab.

  • Specify the name of the toolbar for each of the various form or browse modes. Specify "" to turn off a toolbar, and specify a blank value to use the system default toolbar.

Designing a Custom Toolbar vs Customizing a System Toolbar

Alpha Anywhere allows you to customize the system toolbars that are displayed with the various windows in Alpha Anywhere. For example, when you are viewing a form, Alpha Anywhere displays a standard Form toolbar. You can customize this toolbar by right clicking on it and selecting Customize. Your options, however, are limited to removing buttons, or adding buttons that perform built in actions. You cannot put a button on this system toolbar that plays a script. If you want to put user defined buttons on a toolbar that play scripts, you must create a custom toolbar as Described above.

Working with Stand Alone Toolbars

Toolbars can be attached to form or browse windows, or they can stand alone. A stand alone toolbar is one that is not tied to a browse or form window. You can display a stand alone toolbar with A5_TOOLBAR_OPEN().

See Also